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It all began at playtime.


Vanessa Rojas-Castillo, Marble's Founder and CEO, was raised in a family of eight, where, at one point, the youngest was 4 and oldest was 82. There were many play-time initiatives, originally intended for the young children of the household, that undoubtedly contributed to the enhanced cognitive skills of the older siblings, parents and grandmother.


As time went on, family members aged and grandmother began attending daily services at community centers that offered activities to strengthen independence, foster cognitive abilities and maintain daily routine. Many of these activities took form of adult-friendly toys and games, similar to those used within the household for early development.


Thereafter, all Rojas-Castillo children went on to successfully complete master’s degrees, both parents achieved multiple master’s degrees and professional advancements and grandmother lived a long, beautiful life before passing at 100 years old. Vanessa couldn't help but wonder if playtime was the key to a long, healthy life. Thus, Marble ToyBox was born. 

Marble ToyBox was created to design and showcase activities that foster and enhance cognitive strength in the aging brain. Activities focus on sensory, gross and fine motor, visual perception and social engagement for regular and professional use.  Activities will challenge participants and strengthen tendencies that will influence and benefit daily practices.


Marble is dedicated to encouraging individuals to lead healthy lifestyles. Our blog shares the latest motivational practices in preventative health.


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